Ux Design Case Study
Feeding disability in Children and Infants
Empowering struggling parents and building communities through technology
The problem: Parents distress when children’s do not eat and it is a shame in accepting. People who had this experience can normalize the situation.
Client Brief: UX/UX - feeding disability application
Year: 2021
Tools : Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Marvel, Sketch, Adobe XD.
One person design team
What is Feeding Children’s?
It is a web application to support parents who are struggling with feeding disability with their children or infant, helping them to get quick and reliable support from experienced parents.
Contextual Enquiry
Observing: Observed a group of mums meeting every Wednesday in the community hall.
Inquiring: Mum's conversations and questions are around feeding difficulties and struggle with their children. They search for advice and help from other mothers.
Documenting: Gathering and documenting information throw surveys.
Going depth on Research:
Going further with the gathered information. Produced depth research on children’s and found other new applications specialised in parent support.
The biggest sample was an application that helps children’s with ADHD disorders.
It is a successful study case. The app gives daily tips to parents but also give a personal
appointment with paediatricians and specialist and it has an online
team to support parents. In the case of our application,the support will come from experienced mums and specialist people to help for free.
Speech Therapist
Feeding consultants, Paediatricians.
Other samples below:
Winie app: Help parents with childcare but also it supports them with different parents topics and advice
Parenting app is information to parents about how to manage behaviours developing parental skills
Childcare finder app is made especially for parents to manage fears about new events in life-giving them parental tips for example how to handle going back to the office.
Understanding the users:
After competitor research in hand, the focus is turned to users.
Screener survey:
To distinguish participants for the user interviews it began with a screener survey distributed on email to local parents and we received 18 responses. The survey was made using the monkey survey service.
90% Likes to get access to advise from experienced parents
98% Interested in using an app to local support in the feeding subject in their community
90% Search for apps with advice in parenting issues
Parents are frustrated with no reliable information about children’s and toddlers with feeding difficulties.
Parents reported that not any app gives reliable feeding support, they have to go to Facebook groups with a parent to ask.
Users were comfortable with using technology to get reliable information from experienced parents.
Users preferred small groups or one-to-one chat with an experienced parent with similar histories people who can relate to the same problems.
Users prefer to find local and community support.
There is a struggle in the parenting feeding subject and poor government support.
Paper Prototype & Wireflow
Paper Prototype & Wireflow User testing of the paper prototype analysis:
Sketched a paper prototype and tested with 5 users, with a scenario to search support.
Task 1: Search how you can find support find experienced parents locally. Get tips and information
Task 2: Search how you can find chats.
During the processes of prototyping and moving from the information architecture map to the app. There it is an extensive information in the children feeding subjects. To communicate the reliable advice parent need, it needs a web site on the side for further development.
The application can specify the main subjects and urgent queries, also sign in and chat. One of the app objectives it is to maintain a friendly and happy environment with the content. Parents need support, the features will give positive messages, and tips. It is important in the app the ability to connect with experienced parents and get local support. The map and groups are the best outcome of the support.
From mid fidelity to hi fidelity prototypes:
Tested the prototypes with 4 users.
Prefer to have a sign-in part when required as sometimes parents are busy and would love to see the app first, then content and sign in.
It is a friendly app, to try to remove alert notifications unless the user wants to activate this feature.
Very important to add appointments that allow being added to their calendar.
Final Design
With our final app design for Feeding Childrens, parents can book one-to-one chats, get advice, and consult the best information supplied by parents. Also share similar problems and questions with the community.
Included wireframe dedicated to Inclusivity. Users can advise and let know the application about users with a disability, colour blindness, or other impairment issues.
Next Steps
Additional options we would have liked to explore:
Continue testing.
Look into developing the community page.
Keep developing more pages.